Unifying Our Projects for Greater Synergy

At alkemata, we consistently roll out new projects and test our ideas. This approach has led to significant progress: our newsletters are advancing, our website is welcoming an increasing number of visitors, and our discussion forum is growing in popularity, even though it still doesn’t allow visitors to participate as fully as they might like.

By putting our ideas to the test, we’ve gained a clearer understanding of our needs and recognized that unifying certain tools could be a winning strategy. With this in mind, we’ve started the “rr” project, which is set to reach the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) stage within the next few days. This project represents a new way of communicating, offering participants the chance to showcase their talent in rational storytelling.

We have a clear long-term vision for the evolution of this product, which could play a significant role in how we relate to reality if we can implement all of our ideas. Stay tuned—you might be among the first to try it out!


I am the vice-boss here; in charge of online activities and the technical stuff. I have a background as engineer and scientist in fields as different as aerospace, plasma physics, biosensing, I am currently here to find people motivated to build stuff together and to share adventures together

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