Pivoting our forum

We have developed a forum based on Discourse. Our idea was to use it as a brainstorming box where everyone could share their project ideas, discuss them constructively using the community’s experience, and eventually form a team to start the project.

In its current state, Discourse does not seem to be the appropriate tool. It is a well-established tool that has proven its worth, but it has a specific format that probably does not meet our requirements. The forums are in the form of question and answer, which is not the aim here. It is never ideal to divert a tool from its primary function.

For this reason, we are developing our own platform to better meet our needs. We hope to be able to present it in a while. Written with Flask, mastering the code will allow us more flexibility.

What is currently on Discourse will be transferred to the new platform, so nothing will be lost.

See you soon on our new toy!


I am the vice-boss here; in charge of online activities and the technical stuff. I have a background as engineer and scientist in fields as different as aerospace, plasma physics, biosensing, I am currently here to find people motivated to build stuff together and to share adventures together

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